Google's Fast Flip Makes Reading Print Publications Online Easier (GOOG)

Posted by Blog News Online Monday 14 September 2009 0 komentar

Google introduced a new tool today as part of Google Labs that lets readers flip through pages of magazines and newspapers online. The new product, called Google Fast Flip, lets readers browse sequentially through pages of participating publications.

The Google blog says that Fast Flip enables readers to flip through pages on its service faster than most rich-media pages online, which more accurately replicates what it's like to browse through print pages (where readers don't have to wait for pages to load).

In addition to quick browsing, Google offers aggregation and search capability for participating articles, as well as the ability for readers to share articles with friends. In regular Google fashion, Fast Clip will also determine what kind of content you like according to your surfing behavior, and serve you articles and content it thinks you'll like.

For publishers, Google will serve contextually relevant ads and split revenue with its partners. Current partners include New York Times, the Atlantic, the Washington Post, Salon, Fast Company, ProPublica and Newsweek.

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